Stamp Out Hunger food drive returns Saturday | The Eastern Echo

2022-05-13 23:56:50 By : Mr. Xiaokang Xia

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Food Gatherers employees and volunteers have continued to work throughout the pandemic. (Photo courtesy of Food Gatherers)

Leaving non-perishable food items next to your mailbox before mail delivery this Saturday will help Food Gatherers, the food bank, and other food rescue programs fight hunger in Washtenaw County.

After a two-year hiatus, the National Association of Letter Carriers will celebrate or Food Gatherers the 30th anniversary of the Stamp Out Hunger food drive. The food drive, the largest one-day food drive in the United States, gives communities an easy way to donate food to those in need. In previous years, the food drive raised over 100,000 pounds of food for Food Gatherers in a single day. 

Local letter carriers will deliver orange bags to remind residents to donate.

Residents of Washtenaw County can leave their donations of non-perishable food items such as canned soup, vegetables, meats, rice, pasta, and peanut butter in the sponsored bag and outside their mailboxes before their regular mail delivery time for letter carriers to collect. Those who wish not to participate in the food drive should recycle their bags. 

According to Food Gatherers, the sponsored bags serve a dual purpose. Not only will the bags be used to donate food, but will also “provide information for individuals in need of food assistance by directing people to contact United Way 2-1-1 to get information about and referrals to human services.”

For more information about the food drive, please visit the NALC website.

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The Chili Cook-Off takes place from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Ypsilanti museum.

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